Sunday, December 14, 2008

Glazed Carrots

Carrots are a good source of Vitamin A. And it is a favourite vegetable of mine since I was a child. I use them in many dishes like stews, soup, stirfries and eat them with dips, raw. But too much of it can cause our skin to turn yellowish.

This is a nice side dish when you have visitors for dinner. Becauce the glaze shines so well, your meal looks like one from that restaurant. Presentable and glamourous. Add some other vege for a nice contrast colour if you like.

10 to 12 carrots (baby carrots are great)
1 tbs butter
Half cup of pineapple jam
2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp grated lemon zest
1/4 tsp of ginger, chopped very fine
Parseley or Peas for garnish

Peel carrots and cut them diagonally into 2" thickness.
Cook them till they are tender but not too soft in salted water. Drain.
Mix the butter, jam, lemon juice, zest, ginger in a saucepan. Add the carrots that have been cut, washed. Cook them in this mixture for 10 minutes in medium heat. Turn them to glaze it thoroughly. Garnish it with your choice of parseley or peas.


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